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Lawson Baptist Church

AWANA meets every Wednesday


Beginning Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kids age 3 through 6th Grade

Frequently Asked Questions 

Every Person Every Effort


Why are we adding on now?

We are adding on now because we believe with good stewardship practices and wise projections in place, we can afford to move forward.  We now have our previous debt retirement several years behind us, a well-established track record of general fund giving, and good counsel by reputable and known financial experts that are for our ministry success.  Furthermore, our need for more space has never been greater.  Our Sunday worship attendance is at a record average high.  On any given Wednesday evening, we can readily expect to see over 230 people using all available space we currently have.  We are adding on now because we want those who serve the Lord in this church to have the tools they need to reach people for Christ.  A church building is not more than an important tool for ministry, but it is certainly not less.

Does building expansion align with the church’s general direction?

In early 2017 the church council tasked a ‘Future Planning Working Group’ to answer the question, “What are we doing next?” This group composed of a cross-section of the church membership was to provide advisory direction to the church for future plans regarding mission emphasis and church facilities. Their work included the administration of a church-wide survey. They reported the responses of almost 80 participants which included the following responses to the question, “If we had more money than budgeted:” -80% wanted to increase staff salaries -60% wanted to hire additional staff -70% renovate, enlarge facilities -82% increased budget for educational programs.

Since that time salaries have increased, additional staff has been hired, budgets for education programs have increased (not least of which is the addition of Awana Clubs).  Some needed renovation has happened including updates to the sound system, church lighting, and window replacement.  No actual “facilities enlargement” has occurred.  A single classroom has been added to the church foyer area but this classroom addition was nullified by the addition of staff.  A conference room/classroom was repurposed for the Missions/Outreach Pastor’s office. 

Other areas of direction have also been met with achievement.  Giving to missions has gone up and the capital improvement fund remains well supplied.

Why are we adding to the building as designed?

In 2007 the current building was constructed to accommodate the growing ministry of Lawson Baptist Church.  The building we are now in was not, however, the building originally designed and needed to fully accommodate the ministry.  Because of financial restraints in 2007, what was built was built as a phase of a larger, needed structure in an adopted master plan.  The church-adopted expansion now considered is merely a next phase of that originally needed space.  For example, we have been meeting for corporate worship in a space originally designed to accommodate more classrooms.  As you study the drawings on the wall by the kitchen window, you will see that this current “worship space” will indeed end up supplying us with more needed classrooms. 

Original proposed building in 2007

Current modifications and expansion pursued

This expansion design will help accommodate many space challenges we face today.  It adds much needed small-group/classroom space, fellowship space, and expanded worship space including worship space for our large youth worship gatherings.  It includes additional restrooms as well.  It also retains some of the qualities of the space we currently have including flexibility in use of spaces for various types of events.

How much will it cost?

The estimated turn-key cost including architectural/engineering costs, expansion of parking lots, expansion fire suppression, and construction contingencies is 2.6 million dollars.  A proposed next immediate step would be to purchase more detailed architectural drawings and consider possible cost-cutting measures. 

You may not be aware that for years now, the church’s annual general fund budget has included a monthly deposit of 1500 dollars in the future building fund.  As of the end of November, the future building fund has a balance of $157,984.91 without any corporate capital campaign effort.  Some of this money was reallocated receipts the church did not need to sustain its general operating expenses.  Some of this money has been given by people for the purpose of building expansion.

Trusted and experienced financial experts consider the number of giving units the church has as well as its balances and expenditures.  Forecasts are made to determine a church’s ability to raise funds in a capital campaign and manage debt retirement.  These things are being considered closely with our church’s latest financial data.  Your future building working group is presenting you with a plan that represents good financial stewardship with all knowable data considered.

The week of January 19 2025
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Mon, Jan 20, 2025
Tue, Jan 21, 2025
Wed, Jan 22, 2025
Thu, Jan 23, 2025
Fri, Jan 24, 2025
Sat, Jan 25, 2025